In accordance with current legislation, the company has established its own reporting channels through which whistleblowing reports can be submitted. These channels ensure the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the other individuals involved, and the content of the report.
Whistleblowing reports, which should be as detailed as possible, pertain to legal violations that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company, such as the commission of a corrupt act or the violation of health and safety or environmental regulations.
The following are not considered whistleblowing reports and will therefore not be taken into account:
- Disputes, claims, or personal requests related to one’s own employment relationship (to be sent to the relevant HR functions)
- Complaints about service disruptions provided by Saint Jane (to be sent to the dedicated corporate functions)
Reports can be submitted to:
- Progetti Sardegna: https://limonebeach.trusty.report/
- New York Coast: https://saintjane.trusty.report/
- Atlantic Blue Ocean srl: https://hotelcentraletirano.trusty.report/